Sen. MarcoRubio (R-FL), center, answers a reporter's question as he and a bipartisan group of leading senators announce that they have reached agreement on the principles of sweeping legislation to rewrite the nation's immigration laws, during a news conference at the Capitol in Washington, Monday, Jan. 28, 2013.
It must have happened before. But I can’t think of another example of politics quite as weirdly comic as that developing around immigration reform. At least in recent years, the normal model is that both sides profess optimism and good will about finding a compromise when, in fact, they are either far apart on policy or simply don’t want to agree at all — usually both.
But here it’s just the opposite. Both sides want a bill. They actually want the same bill — or at least they’ve both signed on to the same bill. But there’s the problem, a political problem.Establishment Republicans feel they must support the immigration bill the President supports. But they need to convince the base of their party that they fought him like crazy to get it passed. That’s a challenge.
if this is true then once agin they are trying to deceive us, they have to manufacture something in order to look like they are fighting for Hispanics against the party that has already proven their dedication to their cause, without trying to electrocute or self deport them.
The reality is that the gap between the political needs of establishment Republicans (to better position the national party, to cue up presidential ambitions) and the policy views of the base of the party is just too wide. One view is that Rubio and his Senate colleagues will find some point of quibble to scuttle the legislation, thus satisfying their base and signaling to Hispanic voters their interest in the issue. But the reality is that establishment Republicans actually need the legislation. Their credibility on the issue is so low that any failure will inevitably be blamed on them.
it's all about regaining power and denying those things that fooled the public into voting for them again, didn't 2010 show they can't be trusted they are the party of betrayers.