It was a relatively quiet week, with only 26 incidents listed at publication time. But the toll was a heavy one on the home front. Eleven of the 26 incidents involved minors getting shot, with four fatalities among them.
The youngest victim this week was just 13 months old. Eleven incidents likewise involved people accidentally shooting themselves, while nine of the victims were shot by people identified in reports as friends or family members. Together, that accounts for 20 of the original 26 reports.
In 20 out of the 25 incidents in which someone was shot, the shooter is clearly identified as either having shot himself, or a friend or family member. And it certainly seems to be the case in a few of those remaining reports, but it's not stated outright. Not. Very. Good.
Among the stranger stories from the week are the Minnesota man who slept with a gun for protection but ... shot himself in his sleep; the Pennsylvania man who dropped his gun at home and shot his elderly neighbor through the apartment wall, and; the local elected official from Alburgh, VT, who accidentally shot himself, and then turned out to be the biggest drug dealer in town, and not a "good guy with a gun" after all.
The full listings for the week of August 9-15 in the article.the NRA republicans all pushing the right to guns ever wonder how many bodies it will take of our children before they start stop listening to NRA and right wingers and if they are so paranoid they need to carry guns into church seek help. you have to ask who are and who are the supporters of American terrorism republican politicians their voters or NRA???? Isis and Al Qaeda and Mexicans aren't killing our children in their homes or schools or churches or on our streets we are.