It looks like Liberty Counsel has found their county clerk ... that one fearless upstanding county clerk that will stand up to the evil US Supreme Court and defy their evil and godless ruling in favor of marriage equality. Unfortunately for them, she lives in an out of the way West Texas town of about 1,600, and there have been no same-sex couples requesting marriage licenses from this county clerk ... yet. Nevertheless, she has created a related manifesto and sent it out far and wide.
The Liberty Counsel, an Orlando-based anti-LGBT hate group, says it will defend a Texas county clerk who is refusing to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples.
The clerk, Molly Criner of tiny Irion County (shown above with her husband), has not yet been sued. And it’s unclear whether any same-sex couples have applied for licenses in the West Texas county, which has a population of just 1,500 people.
However, over the weekend, Criner issued a “Declaration of Obedience to Law and Defense of Natural Marriage,” in which she wrote:
1. I will continue to defend Natural Marriage as recognized by the People of Texas, in the Constitution and Laws of the State of Texas, consistent with the Declaration of Independence; the written United States Constitution; the Ninth, Tenth, and Fourteenth Amendments; and higher Natural Law.
2. Natural Marriage between one man and one woman remains the law in Texas, regardless of any court decision to the contrary. Any court decision purporting to strike down Natural Marriage, including Obergefell v. Hodges, is “unauthoritative, void, and of no force.”
3. I, as County Clerk, in faithful execution of the laws of Texas, shall resist unlawful federal or state court encroachments upon the prerogative of the People of Texas to protect Natural Marriage, and shall only issue marriage licenses consistent with Texas law, so help me God.
4. With a firm reliance upon the providence of Almighty God and the support of my fellow citizens, I call upon all of the Officers of the State of Texas, the Governor, the Attorney General, and the members of the Texas Legislature, to join with me, and utilize all authority within their power to protect Natural Marriage from lawless court opinions, wherever the source.
relying on the non teaching of Jesus as an excuse to break the law and usurp the scotus decision with that of those who oppose is anarchy and in direct opposition to what they claim as their right and what they believe again showing the ignorance of hate. references to natural and Texas's opposition to federal law which they label as lawless that word gets bandied about a lot but never ever applied where there is true lawlessness in the finger pointers front yard.
calling for state officials to be complicit to her treasonous views will tell us if they comply that all the ranting and wrapping in religion is just a bunch of people who think their hate and bigotry grants them a pass to that tier above the law. you would think with the Godless actions and rhetoric they use they would be more conservative with who they label as Godless the difference in the two is unmistakable.
there needs to be a challenge to those who oppose where they need to show individually and collectively where the lifestyle of another that they don't know never talked to could not identify if they stood next to them in church harms or suppresses their right to religious freedom to hate, if they cannot show cause they should be open to suit in courts maybe for libel or defamation of character.
anything that is defamatory or that maliciously or damagingly misrepresents.