Thursday, July 9, 2015

Cartoon: Harmless bit 'o heritage

Those who support flying the Confederate flag argue that it's merely a harmless symbol of heritage. Y'know, just like all those other flags representing bygone governments that systematically dehumanized, enslaved and killed people on ethnic grounds during their rule. That kind of symbol of heritage. If only there was a similar symbol with which to draw a historical comparison.
Oh. Right.
what is it that they are actually holding on to as their heritage, they obviously are proud of what it represents and that brings us back to imposing one's ideals and history on those who were the victims of it.  are they denying the freedom for all by insisting on representing a past that is truly the darkest period of American history, should there be a hyphen describing who they are like racist bigoted American.

American is to all inclusive and since they are a breed of history and dwindling numbers and not part of the greater American society but more of a
discriminating, intolerant, minority.  they talk of seceding the same rhetoric of centuries ago nothing has changed except the awakening of more and more as time goes on.  those stuck in the 17th century feel they should be proud that they carry on the tradition in the 21st century not a good example of a country that advances itself.  that has a lot to do with our low double digit ranking somethings triple digit with the rest of the world.

make no mistake it is not Pres. or his policies that are bringing America down.