Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Texas Board of Education to be headed by a homeschooler

Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott

The Texas Board of Education creates "policies and standards for Texas public schools." Gov. Greg Abbott's choice to head this body setting policies and standards for Texas public schools is a woman whose own children never attended those public schools—they were homeschooled and then sent to a private high school. But hey, she's a former aide to the state's Republican lieutenant governor.
The problem here seems obvious.
Even Republican State Board member Thomas Ratliff called the move a mistake.
“Public school isn’t for everybody, but when 94 percent of our students in Texas attend public schools I think it ought to be a baseline requirement that the chair of the State Board of Education have at least some experience in that realm, as a parent, teacher, something,” Ratliff argued.
Bahorich's relevant experience, as listed on her LinkedIn profile, includes "founder/director/board member" of Home Ed Plus, which "provides the opportunity for homeschool families and Christian teachers to come together in support of a high quality academic education for homeschooled students." Naturally she's also a huge supporter of charter schools. Basically any way of getting students out of public schools ... the public schools for which she'll play a major role in setting policy.
this sounds awfully suspicious, he puts a person in charge who is dedicated to destroying the public school system in favor of privatizing leaving thousands of poor out of the education system.  if that is so how stupid is this right wing female to take such a job that if she accomplishes the intent will be blamed for it's failure. hor the male righty's they get a win win lose public schooling and privatization a shoe in, maybe even a 3 fer get rid of a preceivably  incompetent board of ed. that too is a priority starting with teachers unions.

oh those republican can't live without them can't live with them literally.