Former Arkansas governor and GOP presidential hopeful Mike Huckabee blasted President Barack Obama on Saturday over the nuclear deal reached between Iran and world powers, saying that by trusting the Iranians, the president "will take the Israelis and march them to the door of the oven."
In an interview with Breitbart, the 59-year-old conservative television personality called Obama's foreign policy "the most feckless in American history" and dubbed the Iran deal "the most idiotic thing." "It should be rejected by both Democrats and Republicans in Congress and by the American people," he said.
Huckabee entered the race for his party's 2016 presidential nomination last May, vowing strong U.S. support for Israel and declaring "Hell will freeze over" before Iran gets a nuclear weapon.
In Saturday's interview, Huckabee urged the GOP presidential hopefuls to simplify their message to the American people, and focus on "conservatism, limited government, more local government, lower taxes, and less regulation to people who sweat through their clothes every day and have to lift heavy things to make a living.”one thing stands out for me okay two he's still a Elmer Gantry charlatan that off my chest, i'd like to give a warning to those who would choose to listen to him note the last paragraph especially the part about more local gov't haven't we seen enough of the laws and bills they impose on those states that they want to give the power back to, all the bigotry, healthcare denial, medicaid expansion denial, jobs denial refusing to implement anything Pres. has suggested even if it was originally their idea.
they want those states back in play to be able to run rough shod over it's population and have no fear of federal intrusion leaving those people under the thumb of republican officials. you know what that means no anything but the right to buy as many guns as you can and get a permit to carry them to church on Sunday morning with your family.