After a video of a 15 year old African-American teen being slammed into the ground by McKinney Police Officer Eric Casebolt went viral over the weekend, a twitter campaign was launched to identify the woman involved in the fight that led to police being called. Tracey Carver-Allbritton has now been placed on administrative leave by her employer, CoreLogic Inc.
While the primary focus of the incident in McKinney, TX has been calling for the termination of now resigned Corporal Eric Casebolt, Twitter launched an impromptu campaign to identify the two women confirmed to have made racist comments that led to the fight and the police being called in the first place.
The video begins with an adult white woman and what appears to be a much younger African American girl locked in a fight, with each holding the others hair attempting to throw punches. A group of black teens initially act as observers but eventually try to separate the two. Another woman, now known as Tracey-Carver Allbritton, at first seems to be trying to break up the fight, but quickly decides to start throwing punches to the top of the younger girls head. After a few seconds the fight is broken up and both parties go their separate ways.
That video led activists on Twitter to ask who were the two women and why hadn't they been arrested, or at least questioned for their role in the fight. At this point they seemed to have slipped under the radar. It didn't take long for that video to be matched up with a Facebook profile linking Ms. Allbritton directly to the incident, and to her apparent employer listed on the account, Bank of America.
The tweet sent by Dallas Communities Organizing for Change, an organization who fights for racial justice and police reform, spread like wild fire and eventually forced the banking behomoth Bank of America to conduct an investigation of its own to determine whether or not Ms. Allbritton actually did work for them. Contrary to what is listed on her Facebook profile, Bank of America released a statement online confirming that in fact she didn't work for them, but that she did work for one of their vendors.
That vendor company is CoreLogic Inc, a major financial data and analytics firm closely aligned with Bank of America. CoreLogic has been providing various financial and home loan services to Bank of America since at least 2011, which is around the time the U.S. Department of Justice settled a $335 million suit for racially discriminating against African Americans and Latinos in home mortgage lending.
While CoreLogic Inc. seems not to be directly responsible for the decision on whether or not to issue home mortgage loans or other financial products to individuals, they provide a comprehensive lender profile and all necessary information needed to make the decision. This includes providing services such as credit profiles, credit reports, home mortgage default services, and analytics on multifamily leasing among others.
According to a statement given to the Dallas Morning News, “CoreLogic does not condone violence, discrimination or harassment and takes conduct that is inconsistent with our values and expectations very seriously. As a result of these pending allegations, we have placed the employee in question on administrative leave while further investigations take place." Several calls to confirm if this was actually the case have yet to be answered by CoreLogic Inc.
when i posted a like article yesterday saying a White woman started the fight i thought there would be nay saying, race baiting, race card pulling claims allover the place but it appears to have been responsible reporting and gives those potential nay sayer's no leg to stand on. it is par for their course how the media jumped the gun and demonized the Black kids and just like the rest with video confirmation the victims are the perpetrators. did they drug test the stuntman cop rolling around and running place to place like a mad hatter or did his resignation allow him time to purge his system? only other reason he's just a rabid racist cop.
as to Ms. Allbritton that my friends sounds like "attack a Black get a paid vacation " while the damage control kicks in not much difference in police and citizen attacking's on people of color open season ya bet cha!
CoreLogic Inc. looks like they don't need any more racially biased claims in their yard, so was this feeble act of "ADMINISTRATIVE LEAVE" just more damage control than conviction of statement????