Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Dick Cheney: 'I've tried for a long time' to understand what makes Obama tick

Dick Cheney just doesn't get President Barack Obama, you know? And it bothers him.
“I’ve tried for a long time, John, to understand what makes him tick, and frankly, I don’t know,” Cheney told host John Catsimatidis on AM 970’s “The Cats Roundtable” in New York.
There are nations in the world that haven't been freedom-bombed yet, and yet Obama just isn't stepping up. He's not doing what Dick Cheney would do, which in Dick Cheney's conspicuously one-track mind is the very worst thing Dick Cheney's ever heard of.
The former vice president cited U.S.-led coalition airstrikes against the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) there as one example of what he called confusing logic.
“I don’t think he really wants to be there,” Cheney said.
Obama's got a ready-made regional war that he could be shoveling American troops into and he's not taking the opportunity? Well he's lost Dick Cheney's support, that's for certain.
In other news, Dick Cheney continues to feel the need to interject himself into American politics despite the nation being pretty damn sure they were done with him. Who knows—perhaps he is preparing his own entrance into the 2016 Republican presidential clown car? Nobody's called "shotgun," after all, and we know how Dick Cheney feels about shotguns.
he will end up like the coyote and the road runner he will never cvatch up or figure it out because Pres. is a compassionate thinker,  Cheyney he's a gut acting, war mongering,  oil driven, greedy republican bigot who has never had any thought Pres. has had in his life in his head so for him to know what make Pres. ticks would require him dying and returning as a Harvard educated,  caring about other people,  Black Progressive and only the devil would be that cruel to him but we can hope.