- With the fall of Ramadi in Iraq and Palmyra in Syria, fingers are pointing faster than you can say “Preemptive War.” John McCain thinks the crazy Islamic extremists of ISIS wouldn’t be causing the world all this trouble if only Obama hadn’t spent so much time worrying about global warming. Jeb Bush says Al Qaeda in Iraq was wiped out and ISIS didn’t exist when his dear ol’ brother was president.
- I know our memories are short, but does anyone remember a certain rush to war that resulted in mayhem throughout Iraq and the Middle East? I seem to remember something happened in 2003-ish. Granted, George W. Bush didn’t personally found ISIS and pitch the idea to scores of jihadists, but methinks the disaster that was the Iraq War may have had a tiny bit to do with the creation of ISIS. (By the way, the National Counterterrorism Center points out that the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant was established in 2004.)
we know republican history rewritten lays the blame for everything on Pres. even before he was Pres. he was still responsible and the republican Pres. well it just didn't happen through no fault of his.. wonder when they will claim Pres. hid those WMD from them????