Since 2006, the U.S. Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration has logged more than 175 maintenance and safety violations by the company whose pipeline burst in Santa Barbara County, California, Tuesday night. That makes its rate of incidents per mile of pipe more than three times the national average, according to an analysis by the Los Angeles Times, which found only four companies with worse records. But those infractions only generated $115,600 in fines against the company, Plains All American Pipeline, even though the incidents caused more than $23 million in damage.
It was initially reported that 500 barrels of oil had leaked from the broken pipe, but authorities later said the total could be in the realm of 2,500 barrels, 105,000 gallons. The leak contaminated a portion of Refugio State Beach and nearby patches of ocean. A crew from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is handling clean-up on land, while the U.S. Coast Guard is handling the job on the water.
Gov. Jerry Brown declared a state emergency, a move which frees up emergency state money and resources for the cleanup. Authorities shut down both Refugio and El Capitan beaches, but most people camping in the popular area had already fled because of fumes from the leak. Camping reservations have been canceled through May 28.
my first question is why isn't the pipeline owners responsible for cleaning up their mess second why were they not shutdown after 5 violations what was going on in state gov't while on the way to 175 violations. Brown is a Dem serving as gov. since 2011 the violations started in 2006 under Arnold Schwarzenegger a republican that does not excuse it's continuation under Brown in 2011.
republicans still in that drill baby drill mode and keystone ignoring the dangers and pollution that could be reduced by green energy plans Pres. promotes in his American Jobs Act also ignored by right wing and republicans. energy that kills republican preferred way to go for Americans that it doesn't kill????? they said so