Makaila made her sign and held it right next to the men. Which did not make them happy. They responded in typical bigot fashion:
The two men, said Makaila, began insulting her personally. “They were calling me names, and asking my mom questions, like, "How many times did you have to get an abortion before you were able to have your daughter?" and saying, "You’re going to burn in hell right along with your daughter." The things they were saying were just awful, but I didn’t let them faze me.”
She certainly didn't let the verbal abuse faze her. And her bravery was rewarded--with more supporters. People started showing up with pro-equality signs, food, flowers, and money for drinks. What began as one courageous and outspoken girl's stand against hate blossomed into a counter-protest that approximately 45 people participated in, by Makaila's estimation. She and her group decided not to leave until the bigots left. They continued to gain support from people in the town:
Throughout the evening, several local pastors showed up to tell the two men that they do not represent all Christians and “that everyone is loved by God,” said Ragan. “It was nice getting all that support from people from all over.”
Ragan and her group decided they wouldn’t leave until the two men did, and so they stood on the corner of the busiest intersection in downtown Tillamook cheering with every honk of support or wave they received from passing motorists until well past dusk. “I was there from 4 until about 10:30,” she said.
out of the mouths of babes, the next generation is the change we've been waiting for though the seeds have been sown in this generation and with acceptance of many in my generation we are poised to begin the termination of hate and intolerance my one sadness is my Marlene who passed from breast cancer we were together for 18 years she would love to see this unfolding as she and i had not as many as we would have liked Gay friends some are no longer here i've lost touch during my illness regretfully. RIP Marlene you are sorely missed.
the outburst from the haters shows the ignorance that comes with those that discriminate no one is any more relevant than another we are all God's children and he/she does not teach hate.