Oops. Seems to be happening a lot these days. People are forgetting to renew their website domain names. It might not be the end of the world for some, but to an angry LGBT-damning pastor, it can be damn embarrassing.
According to, Pastor Randy Bryson and his pseudo-Christian followers from Open Door Baptist Church in South Carolina, have been crashing a good number of LGBT-friendly events and gay rights rallies. Much like their WBC counterparts/competitors (Westboro Baptisit Church), the Open Door folks also carry signs with cute phrases like,“Gay pride is why Sodom was fried.” Aw, look - they learned how to rhyme. Tomorrow, we'll work on colors!
Now it gets good. After one very funny and clever man finds out the domain name expired, he bought it. He then redirected Open Door Baptist Church followers to a NSFW, XXX, very hardcore gay porn site called And oh my, let me tell you they are some scary fuckers.
So now, instead of visiting Open Door to thump the bible, Open Door followers can visit the site to see a whole different kind of 'Do unto others.' Let's just say they might not want to open that door.
And on this day, I believe the Lord did smile.
i agree with the last sentence the rest well all i have is IROFLMAO, now that's short and sweet!! +o)