Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Open Carry Dingbats Harass Marine Veteran on Memorial Day

From Mother Jones:
On Memorial Day this week, a former Marine in Texas named James got a couple calls from friends who'd spotted an unusual gathering in downtown Fort Worth: Roughly a dozen people, mostly men, were hanging out in the middle of the city's cultural district, armed with semi-automatic rifles. James quickly knew what his friends were describing, having recently encountered an open-carry demonstration himself in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. An independent TV commercial producer who sometimes films live events, James headed downtown with his camera to get some footage.
Suddenly he was surrounded by about a half dozen armed men. They started badgering him with questions and accusing him of being anti-American. "I said, 'Are you kidding me? I served in the military.' They were trying to intimidate me, and when I didn't cower that upset them," he said. But he was starting to feel nervous and decided to disengage and walk away.
In a video obtained by Mother Jones that was posted online later that day by one of the activists, the group can be seen pursuing and harassing James through downtown Fort Worth. "I'm following this guy around," declares one of them, setting off after him with his weapon slung across his back. He and others stay right behind James for several city blocks, following him through traffic and taunting him along the way. James grows more agitated and tells them off, calling them assholes and bullies.
The harassment continues down the street. "Are you gonna cry?" one says. "Sounds like you're about to cry." Another says: "What's wrong with that guy, is he a liberal?  
 check link for video.

carrying a gun gives you a false sense of power you cab brandish and giggle with glee at those you scare the crap out of but you don't get that orgasmic like surge when someone you wave it at is waving one at you.  you can crap your pants, run, sell wolf tickets or create a challenge without taking ten steps before turning and firing.  while you are in the hospital or hovering over your dead body you can take a moment to recognize what a azz bucket you were by than it's too late for an "all crap".