Saturday, April 4, 2015

Wrongly jailed since '75 = $1 million settlement while police who got desk duty get $4 million

Ricky Jackson, 57, leaves the courthouse in Cleveland, Ohio, November 21, 2014. Jackson who spent 39 years in prison for a murder he did not commit was freed on Friday after becoming the longest-held U.S. prisoner to be exonerated. REUTERS/Kim Palmer  (UNITED STATES - Tags: CRIME LAW SOCIETY) - RTR4F3BO

In 1975, four years before I was born and just seven years after the assassination of Dr. King, Ricky Jackson was wrongly convicted for a murder he didn't commit. Just 18 years old, he spent the next 39 years in an Ohio prison. A 12-year-old boy who later admitted to making his entire testimony up was the only evidence linking Ricky Jackson to the murder of a money order salesman in Cleveland, Ohio, but that was all the state needed to convict a black man. The witness later said that police coerced him into identifying Jackson as the killer.
The longest serving innocent man to be exonerated in American history, Ricky Jackson will be receiving a $1 million settlement for losing these 39 years of his life.
Now contrast that settlement with two police officers who shot and killed an unarmed autistic man and were just given $4 million because they believed they were discriminated against when they received extended desk duty after the shooting. Mind you, they weren't event fired, but received desk duty!
The mother’s attorney, Brian Dunn, said he was surprised by the decision to award the officers damages, saying “there is nothing at all justified about this shooting.”
Steven Washington, he said, was shot in the face by Corrales.
“It was one of the worst shootings we have seen,” Dunn said. “They took the life of an unarmed, autistic man for no reason whatsoever.”
How in the world does a man who spent 39 brutal years of his life behind bars for a crime he didn't commit get $1 million, but police officers who actually did shoot and kill a man get $4 million because they hated the desk duty they received?
answer maybe,

that may be par for the course of antiquated racial beliefs and aldso we know how bad the right wing is at math.  the constitution saying Blacks were 3/5ths of a human that was mostly toprevent the rightto vote voter suppression still well and alive 5 centuries later, but i digress he got 1/4 of what the "wronged cops" got should it have been 3/5ths??  just asking inquiring minds want to know.