Texas has the third highest HIV diagnosis rate in the country. Texas is fifth highest in teen pregnancy rates.
Republicans in Texas are working on their budget. This past Tuesday they approved an amendment that would cut $3 million from HIV prevention programs and spend that money elsewhere—on abstinence education.
The GOP-controlled House overwhelmingly approved the budget amendment, but not before a tense exchange with Democrats that veered into the unusually personal.
Republican state Rep. Stuart Spitzer, a doctor and the amendment's sponsor, at one point defended the change by telling the Texas House that he practiced abstinence until marriage. The first-term lawmaker said he hopes schoolchildren follow his example, saying, "What's good for me is good for a lot of people."
i don't believe claims of abstinence unless he was just a ugly for no particular reason republican or not interested in woman until he decided to run for office. also i think it vwould be far less crazies in the republican corral if they all had abstained./s
What's good for me is good for a lot of people? Infuriating. So infuriating, in fact, that things got pretty interesting after that little speech.
Democrat state Rep. Harold Dutton asked Spitzer if abstinence worked for him.
Shouts of "Decorum!" soon echoed on the House floor as Spitzer responded and the back-and-forth intensified. Efforts by Democrats to put the debate in writing for the record — usually a perfunctory request — failed.
this is the republican MO they shut down voices of dissension unlike voters where they just flat out steal their voices by right to vote. remember Issa telling the guy to cut REP. John Lewis's mike during the last hours of the Benghazi Inquisition because he didn't like what he was saying, for them keeping up the numbers is to assure they get their way and nothing to do with ore representing we the people.
When faced with this kind of obtuse thinking I find solace in the humor of Jack Handey and his deep thoughts.
Texas is trying its hardest to follow in the footsteps of everyone's favorite State of the Union these days—Indiana. You know, Indiana, where they recently declared a public health emergency for a huge rise in HIV cases—due in no small part to Republican defunding and closing of Planned Parenthoods in the state.
Texas public schools are not required to teach sex education and, according to the numbers, it's doing wonders there. But, of course, that isn't enough for the Republican braintrust in Texas.
Another Republican-sponsored amendment that passed Tuesday night would prevent schools from distributing sex education materials from abortion providers.
they need a strong challenge as to why they abandon those mothers and fetuses turned child before and after birth. also they are under the false impression that HIV is a traditionally homosexual problem and not theirs except those hiding in the republican coat room/closet who are scared crapless that they'll get the finger pointed at them. taking money from that nat'l concern to teach a thing they don't allow in the school curriculum who's zoomin' who???? read the last two paragraphs.