Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Republican congresswoman doesn't back down on Obamacare horror stories. Just one little problem ...

Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA) makes air quotes as she talks about

Oh, Congresswoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers. In the words of Kenny Rogers, "you've got to know when to hold 'em....and know when to fold 'em." After yesterday's story on the surprising response she got from constituents when she asked for "Obamacare" nightmares, she doubled-down with a press conference and mentioned several so-called Obamacare horror stories, presumably heartfelt stories that had been sent to her. See the short statement here:
But, there are a few problems with these accounts. For one thing, there are only five. Five whole stories of the Affordable Care Act being a nightmare, compared to the thousands of positive comments on her Facebook page. Secondly, all five stories (including the ones below) were lifted directly from the House Republican leadership website, which was posted days before her press conference:
“I am a 62 year old widow and only make $8.79 an hour. I have lost my insurance coverage and cannot afford to pay for this.“
— Sandra P. from Augusta, GA
As Daily Kos user jfromga points out, Obamacare hasn't failed "Sandra P."—her Republican governor and legislature have failed her by refusing to expand Medicaid.
“I received a letter last week telling me that my Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS) insurance will be canceled. – Robert S. from Durham, NC”
Sorry, Robert S., but your plan was bunk to begin with. As Rachel Maddow and others have noted, these were junk plans that the ACA shut down because they were bad for consumers.
So, not only has Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers completely and totally disregarded the comments of her own constituents, she has the gall to hold a press conference touting misleading or outright false stories as the basis for wanting to repeal the Affordable Care Act and take away affordable insurance for millions nationwide.
As her own local paper notes this morning, her constituents are taking note:
Yet, the congresswoman represents a district with higher-than-national average unemployment, a greater percentage of people receiving food stamps and income levels lower than the national average.
She votes and argues the party line, however, and has what pundits describe as a “safe” seat. She is considered a comer in Congress.
On Thursday, however, there was a rare show of defiance from those Eastern Washington constituents.
Take note, Washingtonians. The good congresswoman is definitely not working in your interest. Maybe her seat shouldn't be so "safe" after all.
this just shows us how deeply embedded are the tenets of hate that no matter what proves it wrong it will continue on it's path of misleading misinformation and people believe it G W Bush said "you can fool some of the people all of the time and those are the ones you want to concentrate on"  but he also said check link below if they would only embrace that instead of the former elections would forever change favoring we the people. let the link lay and you will no longer wonder why we say Bush was a dimwit and republicans deny it they lie.  also keep in mind Jeb said he is proud f his brother and the job he did as president