Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Boycott these 5 common products made in Indiana

I was inspired by Molly  diary of the other day, A few products to boycott from Indiana. After combing through the items on the pages she linked I came up with 5 common items from Indiana that are probably used by Kossaks which we should be boycotting in the wake of SB 101.
Clabber Girl Baking Powder
Nestle: Nesquik, CoffeeMate, Boost
Red Gold canned tomato products
Bar Keepers Friend
Vera Bradley
Eli Lilly (hard to boycott if you need their meds. Go generic?)
Mon Mar 30, 2015 at 1:45 PM PT: Lots of questions about Eli Lilly and whether any of these companies oppose SB 101. I know Eli Lilly is opposed to the law, but a state-wide boycott does not discriminate. There were a lot of people living in AZ during the late 1980s in favor of MLK day, but the boycott was of the entire state.
we have seen since the bill signing other republican gov. trying to get aboard the bigot train this is one of those nip it in the bud things and there are many fighting against such a blatant lie of a bill Pence refuses to say yes or no that it is in fact designed and written to give license to discriminate basically against anyone or thing you want in the name of God but think about it God would not discriminate against any person we all are His/Her's children to let it stand is a slap in the face of God, to me that shows what they try to pass off as religion is just a blasphemous group of hating racist keep in mind not all bigots are racist but all racist are bigots.
you gotta know you really tore it when other states want nothing to do with you because of said law, republicans as usual are seeing it as they are right and all those who oppose intolerance are wrong