Saturday, April 4, 2015

Indiana Pizza Parlor That Won't Cater Gay Weddings Gets Over 100K In Donations

If you were worried about Memories Pizza, the pizza parlor that won't cater gay weddings ... don't be. It seems that they are receiving some fairly large donations from the religious right for their "martyrdom."
From The New Civil Rights Movement:
An Indiana Pizza Parlor that won't cater same-sex weddings on religious grounds has become the latest martyr in the religious right's war on gays and progressives.
They've faced a tremendous backlash, including harassing phone calls, negative reviews on Yelp and Facebook, and angry comments on Twitter. One high school coach was suspended for suggesting the pizza parlor be burned down.
The backlash has been so huge and immediate the family-owned business says they are forced to close their doors, at least for now, until the outrage subsides.
Conservative activist and Internet talk show host Dana Loesch has taken up their cause. Loesch, who has a show on Glenn Beck's The Blaze website spoke with Crystal O'Connor Wednesday evening.
Loesch says The Blaze set up a GoFundMe account for the O'Connor family. It's received over $55,000 since Wednesday afternoon.
would these evangelical hate religious groups stone Jesus if we were to walk in during their services?  because they don't teach the things that are relative to his teachings in fact they are just the opposite does that make the satanic cultist playing on gullible Christians who would give up the deed to the ranch if they hear God, Jesus or Bible in the hate rhetoric, my mother was like that.  if you are not a product of this type of teachings think back Sunday school have you ever heard the words of bigotry applied to the way you should act in the name of God?   Jesus sought out Lepers, evangelicals seek out the most egregious among them to carry the water not of Christ but....................... how about you fill in that blank?

the Blaze that is Glenn Becks house of horrors remember he told his flock "if you believe what i say is true, you are crazy" and yet here he is supporting bigotry and they are following.