Friday, April 3, 2015

Colorado Republican loses committee seat after saying attack on pregnant woman was 'curse from God'

In Colorado, things are not going well for crazy person turned state representative (but I repeat myself) Gordon Klingenschmitt. He won his Colorado Springs district by a landslide, presumably based on his strong platform of telling people that Barack Obama is possessed by demons. He is a man who does not understand the meaning of the words turn it down a notch, and that has now cost him a committee seat.
The leader of the House Republicans on Monday stripped Rep. Gordon Klingenschmitt from one of his two committee posts, saying the lawmaker's  "curse of God" comments about a woman whose fetus was ripped from her womb were in "poor taste" and "insensitive."
Minority Leader Brian DelGrosso said he removed Klingenschmitt from the Health, Insurance and Environment Committee because he believed "there needed to be some kind of disciplinary action."
All right, what did he do that was so bad even his fellow Colorado Republicans were repulsed by it? He claimed that God's wrath was the reason for a gruesome attack on a pregnant Colorado woman last week.
Republicans were aghast at his comments last week when he referenced the attack on 26-year-old Michelle Wilkins of Longmont. She survived but her 34-week-old baby girl did not.
"This is the curse of God upon America for our sin of not protecting innocent children in the womb, and part of that curse for our rebellion against God as a nation is that our pregnant women are ripped open," Klingenschmitt said.
Jeebus. Good job, Colorado Springs, you've picked a real winner this time around. Klingenschmitt has now apologized and says he will be suspending his television "ministry" (the place he said those remarks) for six weeks to focus on not sucking at his day job. But he's not happy to be bounced from the Health committee, because that's discrimination.
"I am literally being punished for quoting unpopular Bible verses in my Sunday church, or interpreting the Old Testament differently than Leader DelGrosso interprets it, during my private ministry outside the Capitol. Is that suddenly a crime?" he wrote in the e-mail.
republicans foster this type of rhetoric normally when one says something as inflammatory as this they let it slide, have you noticed the ones who feel they can speak for God are the ones least likely to follow is word in every other aspect.  like the preacher who blamed Katrina on New Orleans tolerance of the Gay culture and various others blaming disaster on a vengeful God you know the evangelical one.  now it appears that bat crap crazy to appease right wing base red meat toss is starting to come home to roost and more are abandoning ship not wanting to be known as part of the good ship lollypop.

many laughed as republicans had their cute little quips like Palins "hows that hopey changey thing working out for you", well take a look around at all that has transpired in last 6 years that had not happened in recent decades, and all that will still be in motion as we go forward so much change that we will never hear it mentioned in republican groups tey will still be without change in their own doom and gloom existence.  those of us who notice and tune out the Armageddon right wing chatter will recognize a new path that we are on right now, ignoring it and staying home will end that trail and it's back to the dark skies of republican domination. recognize