Friday, April 3, 2015

American Family Association host warns of 'homosexual supremacy' in Indiana

AFA radio show host Bryan Fischer

One of the most vocal voices right now defending Indiana's new in-defense-of-discrimination law and vowing holy retribution of Gov. Mike Pence or other state politicians reverse themselves or water down the law is American Family Association talking head Bryan Fischer, who has taken to Twitter to unleash a stream of off-the-rails warnings against "Big Gay" coming to steal your socks and microchip your pets, or something.
The pressure Big Gay has put on Indiana is proof they are not about "marriage equality" but "homosexual supremacy."
— @BryanJFischer
Indiana will soon find it is impossible to satisfy the homosexual lobby. They will immediately be back for more. And more.
— @BryanJFischer
Despite the rather obvious fact that Mr. Bryan Fischer is a raving lunatic, he and his organization continue to hold great sway in the Republican Party, though the AFA recently tweaked his official job description after an AFA-sponsored trip for House Republicans to Israel garnered bad press.
Rather than spend any amount of time reacting to Fischer's opinions on "Big Gay" or his promises of retribution against the state if they backtrack on their discriminatory stance, however, let us instead simply present a small sample of Fischer's past pronouncements. You know, as a public service.
Fischer has advocated for a "God's way" immigration policy in which immigrants to America would be required to convert to Christianity.
He was the point person behind a (successful) effort to oust an openly gay staffer from the Mitt Romney campaign.
Said the 9/11 hijackers were "agents of God's wrath" sent "to get our attention as a people."
Derided the notion of women in the military, declaring that "God did not design the female frame with the necessary strength and stamina."
Has warned that "homofascists" may require American Christians to wear identifying marks so that they can be singled out.
just some of the lunacy this one spews i think a lot of change iof attitude toward the LGB&T community has come from people of  common sense that realize the crazy in the words of the republican bigots and like others unhitch their horse from the bandwagon of haters, how do you reach out as Reince Prebius keeps saying when your daily contribution to that effort consist of some looney tune on your side says dumb crap everyday.  if they really cared they would warn us against trhem.