You know the GOP is in trouble when the Wall Street Journal editorial board skewers the party's "strategy" on the Homeland Security funding bill. And that it did on Monday, calling the House leadership "weak" and referring to the tea party wing as a “rump minority” that is “playing into Democratic hands.”
The editorial could basically be reduced down to this: Why the heck are congressional Republicans letting a bunch of sniveling idiots run the party into the ground?
Restrictionists like Sens. Ted Cruz and Jeff Sessions are offering their familiar advice to fight harder and hold firm against “executive amnesty,” but as usual their strategy for victory is nowhere to be found. So Republicans are now heading toward the same cul de sac that they did on the ObamaCare government shutdown…
If Homeland Security funding lapses on Feb. 27, the agency will be pushed into a partial shutdown even as the terrorist threat is at the forefront of public attention with the Charlie Hebdo and Islamic State murders. Imagine if the Transportation Security Administration, a unit of DHS, fails to intercept an Islamic State agent en route to Detroit…
The restrictionist caucus can protest all it wants, but it can’t change 54 Senate votes into 60 without persuading some Democrats...
It’s not too soon to say that the fate of the GOP majority is on the line. Precious weeks are wasting, and the combination of weak House leadership and a rump minority unwilling to compromise is playing into Democratic hands. This is no way to run a Congressional majority, and the only winners of GOP dysfunction will be Mr. Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Hillary Clinton.”
truth is America they are not ready for prime time, they wasted time trying to dismantle the gov't that's fixing it never took the time to come up with a contingency plan in case they sold the bags of elephant dung or was it they didn't really think it would work even though they gave it the good 'ol boy try so there was no need to come up with a plan and if need be they have the old fall back lyin' Ryan's voucher plan with was all inclusive one size won't work for anybody rebuked dusty offering.