The Koch brothers have made stopping Medicaid expansion under Obamacare a top priority for their state efforts. It worked last week in Tennessee. Their allies did it in Wyoming, too. But not all states are as receptive to their interference. Take Montana, where a Koch road-show against Medicaid expansion was greeted by some well-informed and angry Montanans.
Seems that Americans for Prosperity has been having "Healthcare Town Hall" meetings around the state, trying to relive the glory days of August recess 2009 when they terrorized politicians and citizens alike with stories about death panels and the evils of affordable health insurance. They decided to have one in Kalispell targeting Rep. Frank Garner, a Republican who has refused to sign their pledge to vote against Medicaid expansion. They did, though, without inviting Garner to appear as well.
Garner, who made the eight-hour round trip from Helena to attend the meeting, took umbrage with the postcards and said the group never told him about the meeting, which he learned about from a reporter on the House floor at the Capitol. […]
Garner's mere presence had a chilling effect on the AFP presentation, which was frequently derailed by laughter, booing and shouting from audience members who overwhelmingly expressed support for Garner. […]
"I promised the people here when I ran that I would listen to you and not out-of-town special interests," Garner said to raucous applause. "If every time they want me to sign a pledge card and I don't do it they are going to rent a room and have a meeting, then this is going to get real expensive. Cause I’m not signing the pledge card." […]
Any sense of order the meeting maintained at the beginning broke down toward its end, with audience members shouting questions and accusations, interrupting [AFP State Director Zach] Lahn and defending Garner.
info is getting out there tides are turning people are opening that other eye and seeing in stereo what people like Koch's who are trying to buy the gov't and create a rule of oligarchy are really doing not the syrupy commercials or the declarations of looking out for those they until last month figuratively did give gnat crap about are now to believe there was a change and we should look at it like all is forgiven? they are still backing the extreme right candidates and want to do away with the same agencies that have been protecting us from them, so it's their business as usual we the people have no business that comes before them.
your health care doesn't fir into their plans. this is their plan,

your health care doesn't fir into their plans. this is their plan,