Wednesday, February 11, 2015

10 Rush Limbaugh Sponsors To Boycott (With One Honorable Mention)


Rush Limbaugh shouting.

Many of us want to do something that makes a difference, but funds are tight. One thing that is free and easy to do, is avoid buying from companies that support the hate monger, Rush Limbaugh. The vile Conservative radio talk show host who calls women 'femi-nazis' and 'semen receptacles,' is mostly known for spreading hate and outright lies, while promoting/inciting racism, lgbt hatred, bigotry, and misogyny. 
And for 25 years he has gotten away with it. But for the last two years, the general public has become more and more proactive against his type of commentary. Concerned consumers have contacted and petitioned Rush Limbaugh sponsors, and asked them to pull their advertising from his show. 
For those companies who opt to ignore consumers, they are not only boycotted by hundreds of thousands, they are permanently associating their company's name/brand, in the minds of many, with a hate monger. Seems a pretty foolish business move, when you think about it.

i understand that some of those listed in the text may offer a good deal and in these days of belt tightening that seeking the least costly is the numeral uno, there are no other ways to curtail one large source of right ring propaganda and the lies that come with it.  when you have to resort to defaming vitriol in your rhetoric there is more going on than just opposition it gives off a personal vibe.

 those who follow are called ditto heads and he uses them by playing into their predisposed radical ideals, once that horse gets to the water if he/she is already thirsty no trick to get him/her to drink, he's no Svengali just a loud crude user who figured out that snake oil selling can be profitable to the right people.  G W Bush, "you can fool some of the people all of the time and those are the ones you want to concentrate on".