Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Mississippi State Rep. on his racist comments: 'It was late at night'

Mississippi State Rep. Gene Alday

Good news: Mississippi State Rep. Gene Alday, who got in hot water for saying incredibly racist things to a newspaper reporter over the weekend, says he's not racist, he's just misunderstood.
The comments in question refer to African-Americans in his hometown of Walls, a small community in Desoto County. Alday, 57, said that he comes "from a town where all the blacks are getting food stamps and what I call 'welfare crazy checks.' They don't work."
He also said that when he went to the emergency room one time, "I liked to died. I laid in there for hours because they (blacks) were in there being treated for gunshots."
Now it is extremely unlikely that either of those things are true, but that's beside the point. The point is that the stupid reporter, who called to ask for Alday's comments on state education funding, shouldn't have reported that he said those things.
"It was late at night and he called me," Alday said of his earlier interview with Clarion-Ledger investigative reporter Jerry Mitchell. "He asked me a question back to when I was in law enforcement … I have a way of talking and saying, 'take this off the record.'" 
But Alday said the reporter failed to write about the numerous times Alday has helped people of all races in his community, whether that meant giving them rides to the doctor or providing credit on merchandise at the store run by his family.
this has got to be the top winning ridiculous excuse for letting your racist ideas slip and everybody gets to hear them and see you for who you are in the daytime too, "it was late", what to many high balls at the club high fivin' the good ol' boyz and talking about those awful Black people that live in his hometown i'm wondering why is he still living there if it's so bad and why not do something to correct it instead of continuing to wreck it?  author says it's extremely unlikely to be true so do they sit around and tell their side who lives where the worst Black people do wins a cigar and a mint julep?