Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Meanwhile, O'Reilly Is Imploding...


On the heels of the Brian Williams incident, O'Reilly got on his high horse and somehow got the idea that he had the integrity to scold him.
Yes, Bill "loofahman" O'Reilly. The man who sits on a throne of lies at Fox News.
The man who, unlike Brian Williams, lied about winning two "Peabody" awards.
The man who, like Brian Williams,  lied about being in combat--except worse.  
O'Reilly claimed repeatedly that he was in the actual "war zone" of the Falkland Islands in 1982.  (He wasn't)  He said that he heroically rescued his cameraman in  "a war zone in Argentina, in the Falklands," while being chased by army soldiers.  (Nope--in fact we just learned he was ordered to leave Argentina for risking his cameraman's life.) O'Reilly didn't just tell this story once, but repeated it several times.  He has it in writing in his 2001 book and stated it as recently as 2013 on his show.
He also said he faced down an angry mob in Argentina who "stormed the presidential palace" and were "trying to overthrow the government".  (Lie.) He said soldiers "opened fire on" and "gunned down" civilians. (Complete lie).  He said all the other CBS journalists "cowered" in their hotel rooms while he was the only one who covered the story. (Bob Scheiffer got him on this one).
To sum up:  Lie, lie, lie, lie, lie.
Even Hugh freaking Hewitt, sensing a sinking ship, managed to call him out on some of his BS.
"Would you consider a riot a general combat definition?” Hewitt asked O'Reilly.
“Yeah, when it’s in a war setting, of course,” O'Reilly responded.
Hewitt also asked if the cameraman would back up his story of being saved by him.  Bill seemed annoyed and said he had "no idea" where the guy even was.
When your lies are so bad you are challenged by a conservative, you've crossed a line.
is the cameraman taking a paid vacation out of the country?  you might have notice the inflection in the text that Bill wasn't expecting that and was coming up with that answer on the fly.  if this guy could corroborate bilo's account and thereby in a small way exonerating him and Fox and CBS with all that fire power someone would either know where he was or be able to find him hell bilo always brags about being rich pay for a detective agency to find your witness for the defense.
As of now, the bureau chief for Mother Jones has said David Corn's life is in danger since Bill O'Reilly literally called for him to be killed.
That fact alone should be enough to end the career of such a lying, spiteful bastard.  
Unfortunately, O'Reilly's audience doesn't care about truth nor his calls for violence against his fellow Americans.  
you have to consider he feeds those that are armed and carry guns to church and live for marching orders that create mayhem and murder if you doubt that read a paper or turn on a news channel or go back through this blog to be reminded of the gun violence and the right wing NRA endorsement of it.
and his audience would take the hint, that is his way if it disagree's kill it with bloviating or enlisting one of the "FOLKS" he looks out for to do his bidding