Are Seattle police getting the message?
Instead of resisting calls for reform, Ron Smith—the head of the Seattle Police Guild is trying to lead Seattle police in a more positive direction—even if he has to do it the hard way:
Last week, however, the union called on members through Facebook to be careful on social media after officers were caught posting racially inflammatory comments online, warning: “Times have changed and we must also change to adapt to societal expectations.”
Asked by the Stranger to elaborate on those comments, Smith said: “If you don’t like the politics here, then leave and go to a place that serves your worldview.” He said this was a message that new recruits were now reminded of when they enrolled with the union.
“There are more than enough places across this country that are hiring law enforcement that have a different political landscape than here. And I don’t know why [disgruntled officers] don’t just go there,” he added.
this is encouraging but we've seen in the recent past those police captains and LT.'s and mayor's try to reverse the trend of brutality and outright murder the police resist and turn their backs as if to say "screw you we are out here on the fence to save you we deserve the respect and license to kill and maim", in some states mostly red ones the gov. supports this gestapo like law as well as local politicians i they didn't would it not exist?
as far as Seatlle itself click link below and pick your own story plenty of them to chose from.
removal and blacklisted is the way to go not pushing them off on another municipality we saw what can happen with that from Ferguson and Darren Wilson and the deceased Michael Brown.