Wednesday, January 7, 2015

So the NYPD stopped working and nobody noticed

A funny thing happened here in Bed-Stuy, Brooklyn. Apparently this was supposed to be ground zero of the NYPD work stoppage. No arrests. No tickets. No nothing. Just police bunkered in behind the walls of the 79th and 81st Precincts, both of which now have armed SWAT types guarding the gates from imminent invasion.
So the funny thing is life has gone on pretty much normally. Nothing much is going on. Streets are quiet.  All hell has not broken loose. Folks are going about their days normally. If policing has stopped, nobody seems to be noticing. We're told all 911 calls are being responded to and handled normally, it's just the police aren't actively pushing folks around.
Which brings us to a rather enlightening discovery: perhaps the NYPD could continue this style of policing with a lot less resources and manpower! Why have a bunch of bums sitting around doing nothing on the taxpayer's dime? Especially when crime is still under control and falling. Especially when the work stoppage has had no effect on the community whatsoever, except perhaps making everyone, including the NYPD, relax.
Mayor de Blasio should applaud the NYPD for demonstrating how much they need a lot less people to keep crime low and preserve order. Then, start laying people off and giving the slimmed-down remaining force a well-deserved raise.
Way to go, NYPD!
whoa, evidently they had an Epiphany they came to realize their breath stinks in to morning too, who knew?  with all the Buster Bad Azz crap and strong arm and killing of unarmed American citizens they find that maybe just maybe they can take a hike while we repeal and replace them with officers who honor their pledge to protect and serve and won't beat the hell out of women and murder men and go for drinks at the "Rogue Cop" bar and strip joint and high five whoever the killer de jour is, it's a tradition slap on the back and paid vacation if you kill exoneration and back to those mean streets makes you wonder who is really making those streets mean??? 

you have to wonder like Jimmy Hoffa, Rodger Rabbit, who killed Officer Friendly?