The lawsuit, filed Friday in federal district court in Ohio, alleges that one Latino and eight white officers were treated "substantially harsher" than black officers for shooting black residents, according to the Cleveland Plain Dealer.
"A serious dichotomy exists as a result of the defendants' longstanding practices and procedures which place onerous burdens on non-African American officers, including the plaintiffs, because of their race and the race of persons who are the subjects of the legitimate use of deadly force," the lawsuit reads, CNN reported.
All of the officers took part in an incident involving high-speed car chase that took place in November 2012 and ended with the fatal shooting of two black suspects, the newspaper reported. No weapon was ultimately found in the suspects' car, and the city later settled a $3 million lawsuit with their families.
cops sign up and take an oath they know what the job entails they know the racial issues with police and certain demographics, they are suppose to protect not to kill wantonly unarmed people they deem as suspects. they get va salary that they obviously agree to so what the fuss? if you are a lion tamer and get eaten by a lion again what the fuss?
i would suggest that if not held culpable for the shooting deaths especially of unarmed and later proven innocent of whatever they would ramp up the assaults that would embolden them thinking that the law is in their favor. like that Ferguson jury was instructed basically that any altercation with a cop is considered an attack on said cop.