Monday, October 6, 2014

Scalia admits: Government can promote religion over non-religion

Yesterday, Antonin Scalia gave away the game.
Speaking at Colorado Christian University, he said:
I think the main fight is to dissuade Americans from what the secularists are trying to persuade them to be true: that the separation of church and state means that the government cannot favor religion over nonreligion.
I mean, we all knew he believes this. (And so does Thomas.) But the fact that he admits it so baldly -- that he doesn't care that his minority opinion is out there for everyone to laugh at -- is still stunning. Not only does he believe that government should favor religion over non-religion, but his interpretation of the First Amendment gives no quarter to the irreligious at all.
And we're stuck with him until he gives up the ghost.
“What can they do to me? I have life tenure,” Justice Scalia said. “It’s even better than academic tenure.”
On a lighter note, he sees himself as Frodo Baggins.
No, really:
“It’s a long, uphill fight to get back to original orthodoxy. We have two ‘originalists’ on the Supreme Court,” Scalia said, referring to Thomas. “That’s something. But I feel like Frodo … We’ll get clobbered in the end, but it’s worth it.”

my friends you've heard me say there should be no lifetime appt. of anything that is gov't this is the best argument pro then I ever could have made, this guy is first ignoring church an state which was a Thomas Jefferson statement and not a law but has been one of those founding guy things second he is asserting his personal belief where it should be an opinion based on fact surrounding the issue, then he arrogantly flips the birdie to American citizens "you can't touch this"  all he needs is some black face drop a couple hundred pounds and a pair of parachute pants and he can take that show on the road.