Monday, October 6, 2014

Koch candidate Joni Ernst thinks states can arrest federal agents for implementing Obamacare

Photo of Joni Ernst at kitchen table with teenager.

I sure hope she's not helping this kid with Social Studies homework.
It's really, really hard to imagine Iowa actually being willing to trade in Sen. Tom Harkin for this.
State Sen. Joni Ernst, the Republican nominee for U.S. Senate in Iowa, once said she would support legislation that would allow "local law enforcement to arrest federal officials attempting to implement" Obamacare. Ernst voiced her support for that, as well as supporting legislation that would "nullify" Obamacare in a Iowa State Legislative Candidates survey for Ron Paul's libertarian-aligned Campaign for Liberty in 2012. It can be viewed here. 
The question was: "Will you support legislation to nullify ObamaCare and authorize state and local law enforcement to arrest federal officials attempting to implement the unconstitutional health care scheme known as ObamaCare?" Ernst answered that question as "yes."

isn't ObamaCares A LAW signed sealed and delivered by the scotus???
And, as TMP notes in this story, this isn't the first time Ernst advocated for nullification. Last fall she told the Iowa Faith & Freedom Coalition that Congress should not pass any laws "that the states would consider nullifying."
It's maybe kind of a problem when you've got an actual state legislator who wants to be an actual federal legislator who doesn't know that nullification isn't something states can do. That's kind of like Civics 101 in the lawmaking business.
Nullifying Obamacare has been a bit of a pet project for the Kochs' Americans for Prosperity. When Ernst told the Kochs they created her, she wasn't kidding.

it's clear to me that those who would buy the gov't are looking for the same type of representatives as the politicians they sponsor which makes sense remember Norquist in 2012 and his remark about Romney?  right wing want obedient candidates that will carry the water they want not what the people want their record shows that to be true and still they vote for them as their best alternative to those Progressives who actually care and have candidates who will work for the people , not those who work from a script of marching orders.