this gives you insight in to where right wing gets support for their misinformation, most media shows get someone with political bona fides, not someone with fleas and the hots for young girls. it shows they turn to other racist of ill repute to make their version of news and the base well we know they can't wait to hear what he has to say. unfortunately it's the same thing he's always said bigots and racial haters are committing blasphemy when evoking the Lords name while embracing the evil they are trying to deny. Hannity said they have a hard time understanding evil, could it be because they have trouble with excepting the blame for what and who they are? quoting Scripture and holding a Bible which his words and actions conflict themselves, he is as Hannity and Fox frauds.
this is a expression of my personal thoughts as well as an observance of what I as a Vietnam Vet sees the United States that I fought for 48 years ago was and is returning to those dark times I am worried!!
Wednesday, September 3, 2014
"Either Convert Them Or Kill Them": Hannity Turns To Duck Dynasty's Phil Robertson On Islamic State's Beheadings

this gives you insight in to where right wing gets support for their misinformation, most media shows get someone with political bona fides, not someone with fleas and the hots for young girls. it shows they turn to other racist of ill repute to make their version of news and the base well we know they can't wait to hear what he has to say. unfortunately it's the same thing he's always said bigots and racial haters are committing blasphemy when evoking the Lords name while embracing the evil they are trying to deny. Hannity said they have a hard time understanding evil, could it be because they have trouble with excepting the blame for what and who they are? quoting Scripture and holding a Bible which his words and actions conflict themselves, he is as Hannity and Fox frauds.
this gives you insight in to where right wing gets support for their misinformation, most media shows get someone with political bona fides, not someone with fleas and the hots for young girls. it shows they turn to other racist of ill repute to make their version of news and the base well we know they can't wait to hear what he has to say. unfortunately it's the same thing he's always said bigots and racial haters are committing blasphemy when evoking the Lords name while embracing the evil they are trying to deny. Hannity said they have a hard time understanding evil, could it be because they have trouble with excepting the blame for what and who they are? quoting Scripture and holding a Bible which his words and actions conflict themselves, he is as Hannity and Fox frauds.