Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Republicans become party of 'Deport 'em All'

A girl wears a

Republicans are getting less than rave reviews for their performance last week in answering the latest immigration flashpoint: the thousands of Central American refugee children entering the country. In case you missed the fireworks last Thursday and Friday, Republican leadership was trying to figure out a way to respond to the humanitarian crisis at the border. Responding to that crisis wasn't something that hard-line tea party Republicans are interested in, unless that response involves deporting as many people as is humanly possible, and they were emboldened by de facto Speaker Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX).
After the leadership's first attempt to bring bills to the floor on Thursday failed, Speaker Boehner and his team just gave up and handed the mess over to the crazies. The result was two bills basically crafted for Cruz and his House minions, Reps. Steve King (R-IA) and Michele Bachmann (R-MN). And, of course, the rest of the Republican caucus followed along behind, passing legislation that even the Republican stalwart Wall Street Journal finds deplorable.
The House GOP looked ready Friday to pass a bill to address the influx of children over the Southwest border, though not before providing another spectacle of internal disarray. The bill should have been a moment to redirect attention to President Obama's cynical handling of the border problem and to the Democratic Party's immigration divisions. Instead the GOP again gave the country the impression that its highest policy priority is to deport as many children as rapidly as possible back from wherever they came.
 That's not just an impression the Republicans are giving, that's their policy. Nothing says that more clearly than the fact leadership caved to Cruz and turned policy-making over to Bachmann and King. Not everyone in the conference might have been happy with that, but almost all of them voted for it. Republicans now own the fact that their official policy is, in thewords of Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-IL) "Deport 'em all." They own that, and they carry it into November.

short and sweet regardless to who says what or who hands out a leafless olive branch they are republicans it is not in the nature to except any one not of their beliefs or ethnicity.  IMO they don't want to bring in and fatten potential Progressive voters, bottom line oh and those of them that break the law and hire undocumented loose that pay anything except a dollar a day.  don't thinki they want to pay those that were subject to minimal minimum wage could be getting 10.10 and hour, kinda cuts into that greed thing.  not all republicans but evidently the ones that control the purse strings and the political future of their fellow republicans up for vote.

can you say "TEA PEOPLE"?