Friday, August 1, 2014

Paul Ryan's one crazy trick to hurt all the poor

Rep. Paul Ryan's so-called anti-poverty plan has been appropriately lambasted for the obvious things it would do, particularly stigmatizing poverty by essentially creating classes of poor—undeserving and deserving. But what the plan would really do is just hurt everyone and set the stage for the inevitable slashing of social insurance programs by combining them into block grants.
Here's the thing about block grants, as the folks at the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities point out: "history shows that block grants that consolidate a number of programs or may be used for a wide array of purposes typically shrink—often very substantially—over time."
Chart showing history of budget cuts to block granted programs.
keep this in mind we know the hurt that would have been unleashed on us had they been able to initiate their highly touted by them infamous "RYAN VOUCHER PLAN", they were so giddy they were peeing their pants and praising  Lyin' Ryan as the budget guru with the plan to beat all others.  now with all that hoopla do you think they would abandon the plan that did what they wanted phase out the Medicaid and Medicare programs for a plan that does the opposite, hell no they won't the new plan just does it differently remember they said all they need do was change the way they say it, that might work on their base but not in our court.
G W Bush, "you can fool some of the people all of the time and those are the ones you want to concentrate on".