Friday, August 1, 2014

Bill O'Reilly explains 'the blacks,' the ghetto, the drug war and the 'left'

Fox News' Bill O'Reilly explains the politics of marijuana legalization. He's an expert explainer of things, you know:
"The left is basically saying, harmless, OK, which I don't agree with and I don't think you agree with. It's not a harmless substance, all right? And, you know, 'it's blacks', you know, 'you're trapping the blacks', because in certain ghetto neighborhoods it's part of the culture, 9 year old boys and girls are smoking it. And they don't like that. They don't want those kids to be targeted by the cops."
Bill O'Reilly explaining "the blacks," ghettos, the drug war and what 'the left' thinks all at the same time? Be still, my heart.

he is assisting Rand Paul's failure to garner the Black vote, the republican community has loss their comradery they are no longer in lock step, sure they still all get the same talking point and they say them mostly because they either don't have or are not allowed to have their own opinion.  crabs in the basket Rand is trying the con of kinder gentler "we understand you", while those of O'Reilly's ilk well they piss us off by assuming they know the key to the Black door and what our problem is in a way they should after all they created it but refusal to admit complicity they will be content to presumably read the Black experience without verification or documentation just a White racist explanation by blaming us for their God complex.