Friday, July 18, 2014

"What the hell, pal?" A letter to the editor from a friend of John Boehner's
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A couple of days ago, John Boehner wrote an op-ed "Obama trampling Constitution" for our local paper.
Jerry Mouch, a friend who has known Boehner for over 50 years, wrote a letter to the editor in response that is worth every second of the 2 minutes it takes to read.
Mouch wrote:
You've got nothing more pressing to do than sue a president who was elected twice by the majority of voting Americans? You say "the majority of Americans are frustrated." I agree, but not with this president. They're frustrated with the childishness of those purporting to serve all the American people.
The majority of Republicans are frustrated. Sure, I get that. But everything shouldn't come to a halt because you don't control the White House.

nothing like being blasted by a friend it should be a wake up call but Beohner has already invested in the farce to back out would be seen by their base as a cop out, while don't think I've used that since the 70's.  as to republicans being frustrated, really how can you do nothing for 6 years but pick up a check nd be frustrated that only happens when one is trying to accomplish something and is stone walled at every turn you know like they are and have been doing for all of those 6 years, bogus elephant dung.   the guy admits they are being frivolous and acting juvenile but where does he think frustration comes in from their failure to do what they promised sink the Pres. and the gov?  that shouldn't be frustration they unfortunately were not stone walled.  for all they've done it should be a shameful exhibit of how can they govern when the one they say is the worst ever they can't topple it or stop the Pres.