Friday, July 18, 2014

House Republicans successfully ban funding for canceled White House renovation, so take that, Obama

John Boehner at the AT&T National golf tournament, July 2009.

Last week, the General Services Administration canceled a White House bowling alley renovation project, a project that probably actually had some merit, but was nonetheless an obvious political lightning rod even though the bowling alley isn't actually located in the White House itself. So the White House stepped in and canceled the project.
Yawn. End of story, right? Wrong:
The House on Wednesday adopted a proposal to prohibit funding to renovate the White House bowling alley.
Rep. Pat Meehan's (R-Pa.) amendment to the fiscal 2015 Financial Services and General Government appropriations bill, which includes funding for the General Services Administration, passed by voice vote.
Woo! House Republicans blocked something that wasn't even happening! Time for them to celebrate, right?
"With our nation $17 trillion in debt, upgrading the president's private bowling alley shouldn't be a priority," Meehan said. "A spiffy new bowling alley may suit the wants for commander in chief, but I think I speak for the taxpayers of the seventh congressional district when I assert that it is certainly not a need."

wonder how much that would offset the Issa millions in witch hunts and did this little juvenile act to not renovate coming to the capitol and voting cost more than the renovation itself?  note they never ever squawk about the money they spend only the money they sign off on that the Pres. wants to better the mess they left unpaid for and that they act like he spent the money on his own while bragging that the control the purse strings, get that hmmmmm yet?

you remember how they tried to slam Pres.. for playing golf when ther were in their mind scandals but not saying anything about Bush and all that's going on Beohner himself hypocrites personified.