i might suggest when reading my post if they are about republicans and 98% of the time they are read with scrutiny of the accusations and ask yourself if all you know and all the rebuked lies by republicans dose this even sound like the Pres. or does t sound like every other rebutted attack rhetoric you've heard for the last 5 years if the answer is yes, God Bless you you are the future of America to be.
attribution: REUTERS
Captain Blowhard, away.
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) drew audible gasps Thursday when he told gathering of Christian conservatives that Democrats intended to amend the Constitution to limit free speech.“When you think it can’t get any worse, it does,” Cruz warned at the Watchmen on the Wall gathering of pastors sponsored by the Family Research Council.“This year, I’m sorry to tell you, the United States Senate is going to be voting on a constitutional amendment to repeal the First Amendment,” Cruz said, to the audible shock of the crowd.
Hey, I'm shocked too. I wasn't aware that a repeal of the First Amendment was in the works—is this some Duck Dynasty thing? I can't keep track.
“I am telling you, I am not making this up,” Cruz said. “Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) has announced the Senate Democrats are scheduling a vote on a constitutional amendment to give Congress the authority to regulate political speech, because elected officials have decided they don’t like it when the citizenry has the temerity to criticize what they’ve done.”and you thought green eggs and ham was a tough act to follow well he's done it, but the smoke in his mirror is already starting to dissipate and we can see clearly that there is something that they want or would lose if this went through. remember there is never a consideration of "we the people" in anything they rail against quite the opposite it's more likewly to favor us and but the brakes on their deception.
Oooooooooh. It appears Cruz is talking about a campaign spending amendment proposed by New Mexico Tom Udall meant to overturn the Citizens United decision and lessen the flood of corporate money into American elections. That's the First Amendment he's talking about, the newfangled one that says corporations are people and money is speech and the oil companies are citizens more than you or I will ever be and how dare you try and limit the ability of corporations to explicitly buy the election results they want throughout the nation because that makes Patriot Jesus cry. Yeah, it's not going to happen. The Udall proposal would require the Republicans to be on board as well, and Republicans would rather chew their own arms off than take their hands out of that cookie jar.
I should have known Cruz was talking about money. Whenever a tea-party type talks about the Constitution, it's always something about money. Even when it's about guns, it's about money.
and opp's there it is!