He's running forPresidentre-election as Wisconsins Governor, donchaknow, so the propaganda he spews is becoming even more ridiculous as he scrambles to avoid talking about the 250,000 jobs he didn't create (move along, nothing to see here, peasants).
At first he tried to backtrack on his one promise in 2010: that he, if elected Governor, would create 250,000 jobs in his first term. That, in his own words, was "the floor and not the ceiling" since he expected to "create" many more in his first term. He's not quite halfway there because of the austerity economy that he and his Republican Legislative majorities has put in place. He failed miserably trying to walk it back (scrubbing it from his web site and other places as well as trying hard to change the subject every time "the jobs question" comes up).
none of them produced on that 2010 jobs laser focus thingy, they were to busy trying to over throw the gov't and unions the very things that are our lifelines theirs too they just deny it unless they are controlling it.
His latest failure is trying to pivot from "jobs" to "business creation". At campaign events he's patting himself on the back for "creating" 17,000 new businesses in Wisconsin. So shameless is this assertion that even his pals at PolitiFact and the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel have called him out on it.
The problem they've exposed is how the numbers have been extensively padded solely to benefit Walker. They've been exaggerated to the point that Walkers numbers are simply a lie.
From PolitiFact in Wisconsin:
But his impressive-sounding talking point -- that 17,000 new ready-to-hire businesses have sprung up on his watch -- crumbles upon examination.
The count of newly registered "business entities" that Walker touts includes not only new ventures that bring new jobs, but thousands with no workers on the payroll at all -- and little if any prospect of hires to come.An analysis by PolitiFact Wisconsin found Walker’s count includes:
-- Hundreds of nonprofit organizations, often volunteer-run, including Scout troops, condo associations, youth sports leagues, volunteer fire departments, historical societies, "friends" fundraising groups, scholarship funds and many more.
-- Thousands of limited-liability companies set up by real-estate investors solely to hold ownership of property or properties. Even investors as far away as Australia are on the list because they bought Wisconsin rental properties.
-- Out-of-state firms that registered in Wisconsin because they may want to do work here.
-- Startups that are just getting organized and not yet able to pay employees.
being a Koch whore he was like the rest emboldened and will over-reach exposing their underbelly of lies and deception, i really have no luv for this guy his rise to fame in the party was achieved by screwing his constituents, and union busting all with impunity, we cannot let Koch pimp money win again in WISC. or any other state, we did it twice 3rd time our charm not theirs.