Thursday, May 22, 2014

Chipotle asks customers to not wave guns around their stores, causing gun nuts to threaten boycott

and the right wing tried to make you fear two Black Panther's unarmed outside a voting station

Two men with rifles inside a Chipotle restaurant

Oh yeah, they look stable.
You may have heard that Chipotle is in trouble with the right. First they dared put an advertisement in the New York Pride parade's official guide, bad enough, but now they've gone and asked customers to not parade around with assault rifles in their stores.
Following in Starbucks’ footsteps, Chipotle yesterday issued a statement not banning guns, but saying “we are respectfully asking that customers not bring guns into our restaurants, unless they are authorized law enforcement personnel.”
“The vast majority of gun owners are responsible citizens and we appreciate them honoring this request,” Chipotle noted in the very generous statement, adding “the display of firearms in our restaurants has now created an environment that is potentially intimidating or uncomfortable for many of our customers.”
i still think these guys are doing these things because the can they are acting like kids getting that first BB gun they just have to let everybody and anybody know the got it and they are flaunting it scaring people is gravy and promotes more expressions lie this NRA and republican advocates are winning and Americans are losing lives and families at theexpense of a gun nut poking gov't in the eye with their third finger.

The problem, you see, is that people like Jackass Joe and Jackass Joe Junior up there decided to exercise their God Given Rights to show their fellow Americans that they really could start killin' people for fun, if they wanted.
Earlier this month, members of a Texas group calling itself Open Carry Tarrant County marched into their local Dallas-area Chipotle and scared customers half to death. As you can see from this image, these two young gun slingers (and others) were armed with assault weapons and semiautomatic handguns, posing for photos.
And maybe getting your picture taken in Chipotle with your favorite prosthetic genitalia would have gone better if you were at least enough of a Responsible Gun Owner to keep your finger far away from the trigger, Jackass Joe Junior, but probably not. It's a little bit amazing that a fellow Responsible Gun Owner has never seen a group of men march into a local restaurant with assault rifles and decided to be a hero by shooting them first, but I suppose all the groups doing this have so far been Pretty Damn White, which is probably the key. 

my sentiments exactly, if theyt feel walking in a restaurant and brandishing WMD is God given they need to know God can takeawayalso.