Silly me: President Obama’s executive order to expand opportunities for overtime pay Thursday seemed like a win-win. Currently, if you make more than $23,000, you can’t necessarily receive overtime; the president’s order would raise that cap, and also make it harder for employers to classify people with almost no supervisory duties as “supervisors” and thus exempt.Where’s the downside? Newly qualified workers currently being forced to work overtime without pay will now get higher wages. Or, if their employer doesn’t want to spring for the overtime pay (traditionally time and a half), they will have to expand their workforce to get the work done. Higher wages and/or more jobs: Sounds good, right?Not to Republicans, of course. The backlash to the president’s overtime-pay expansion just makes clear what we’ve known for a long time: They oppose every attempt by government to reward hard work and protect the rights of workers – unless it applies to the very wealthy.
arrogance abounds in the republican camp that Fla 16 win has lifted their spirits they seem to think they are now back in the loop, but they were never out of the loop just out of lies
this article shows again the egregious method with which they would govern if they are out of the big chair and are trying to do this what do you think will happen if they get in,
they are mean spirited and vengeful we voted them out twice and out of the house in 2012 their gerrymandering countered the vote of over 1 million and nobody makes any noise, we can blame our party for not stepping up and having the [Pres.'s back but we would be hypocrites ourselves if we did.
our party is laying down on the job and allowing the advancement of the scourge of America, we are indifferently depending on the others to get out and vote with that logic we all might stay home.
it's your butt too fight for it.
Speaker John Boehner sounded unusually befuddled opposing Obama’s move. “If you don’t have a job, you don’t qualify for overtime. So what do you get out of it? You get nothing,” he told the Washington Post. “The president’s policies are making it difficult for employers to expand employment. And until the president’s policies get out of the way, employers are going to continue to sit on their hands.”The president’s policies are in fact making it harder for employers to exploit their workers. That’s all. As Jared Bernstein told the New York Times. “I think a potential side effect is that you may see more hiring in order to avoid overtime costs, which would be an awfully good thing right about now.”
this is the freedom they infer that really is their freedom to run rampant over employee's wages, time, heath care and allows the business to shortcut and pollute and risk destroying the country's land water and the air well that will eventually blow off and pollute other countries.
remember there is never anything in a republican bill that advantages the people it's all about power and money for them.