Friday, March 14, 2014

Michigan's New Rape Insurance Law

I rise today to remind my Republican colleagues of what today is.
As of today, your rape insurance proposal is now the law of the land in Michigan.
Thanks to what every single one of you on that side of the aisle did, rape victims in Michigan that become pregnant from their attack will now be told by their doctor - and their private insurance company - that they’re on their own.
Yes, a victim of a sexual assault in Michigan will now have to face the reality that their Republican legislators – those who decry government involvement in health care on a daily basis - passed a law that does exactly that. Except it only applies to women, so apparently that doesn’t count.
And if taking away the rights of rape victims weren’t enough, thanks to what you did, Michigan women with wanted pregnancies who are told by their doctors that something has gone horribly wrong and their pregnancy must be terminated will be told that their government doesn’t think that’s necessary medical care.
They too will now face a reality that you have prevented their private insurance company from covering the exact care that’s needed, that their doctor recommends, and is in the best interest of their own health.
again more proof from the elephants mouth they are not who they claimed to have mysteriously morphed into since Nov. 5th 2012, the "PRINCIPLES" formerly known as "VALUES" hasn't changed and neither have their actions same game different day. i've said republicans support rape and violence to women are they protecting their own butts, laws like this do just that and look how long they took to sign VAWA (violence against women's act and lax invisible rape laws, rapist rights to visitation of the forced birth baby that is pro rape induced law.