Promising to keep private prison cells full will be illegal in Nebraska if a proposal from state Sen. Amanda McGill (D) becomes law.McGill, who is running for higher state office this year, has introduced legislation banning the government from guaranteeing payment to private contractors regardless of the level of service the contractor provide.While that may sound so obvious as to be unnecessary, states often make those kinds of promises to corporations when they privatize public services.The most notorious examples are private prison contracts that guarantee companies like the Corrections Corporation of America (CCA) a certain minimum occupancy level at prisons, and promise to pay CCA the difference should prison populations sag below that level.Such “lock-up quotas” appear in two-thirds of all prison privatization contracts, according to a report last fall by the anti-privatization group In The Public Interest (ITPI).McGill’s legislation would ban those kinds of payment guarantees across all state contracts, but is specifically targeted at prison contracts.The bill also would amend the state’s corrections contracting law in a variety of ways to both protect taxpayers and regulate prison companies more tightly.
this will be interesting first if it passes and will false arrest and ridiculous sentencing pick up again can't have a pay per bed with no heads in the beds, something would have to give either the bill or the status quo.
If laws like McGill’s were to take root across the country, the prison industry would lose one of its biggest arguments in favor of investing in companies like CCA.Skyrocketing profits aside, the prison industry saw some setbacks last year. In a single month last fall, CCA lost contracts in Idaho, Texas, and Mississippi.The Idaho prison that closed was so violent and brutal that it was nicknamed “Gladiator School,” and CCA juiced its profits there by understaffing the facility, effectively outsourcing prison security to gangs of prisoners.America spends 2.5 times as much per prisoner as it does per public school student. The country’s incarceration levels help drive economic inequality, and the combination of criminalization and neglect creates a “cradle-to-prison pipeline” for black and latino Americans.
another reason we are statistically behind most of the world we would rather warehouse mostly those who don't warrant sentences they got for the crime the may or may not have committed then spend money on education and keeping up with the rest of the world right no they make us the riches country in the world but also the dunbest.
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