Yet despite the initial burst of misinformation that followed the release of the report, and despite the inevitable tornado of negative advertising that’ll erroneously cite the CBO when claiming Obamacare “kills” millions of jobs,I think the CBO’s latest will ultimately be worth it. Not for what it revealed about Obamacare, but for what it showed us about the ideological divide that defines American politics.Here’s what I mean: Once the media acknowledged that the report said Obamacare would reduce labor’s supply, and not its demand —by providing workers with healthcare coverage whether or not they hold a full-time job — the debate shifted onto terrain more resembling objective reality, and we got a better sense of where the right and the left really stood.Specifically, we were able to see what the right really means when it talks about “freedom” and “liberty,” phrases that, as conservatives use them, mean less than meets the eye.But first, to clarify, this is what the CBO’s report actually said:The estimated reduction stems almost entirely from a net decline in the amount of labor that workers choose to supply, rather than from a net drop in businesses’ demand for labor, so it will appear almost entirely as a reduction in labor force participation and in hours worked relative to what would have occurred otherwise rather than as an increase in unemployment (that is, more workers seeking but not finding jobs) or underemployment (such as part-time workers who would prefer to work more hours per week).And this is what that actually means: People who would like to retire but aren’t old enough to qualify for Medicare, or people who would like to work part-time but can’t afford to lose their employer-provided health insurance, will now be able to quit or cut back on their jobs without having to live with prohibitively expensive, or simply nonexistent, health insurance. And at least to this leftie’s ears, that sounds like a good thing
that is the real 411 hearing anything different is not confusing it's excepting proven liars and masters of deceptions (somewhat) word of doom and gloom for 5 years so intense it failed to do it's job hence the do nothing congress has broken their own record.
hard to believe that those elected on a lie of jobs would be as stupid as they have with dealing with a Black guy who earned the WH and has done remarkably well in spite of their obstruction. they could have passed Pres.'s jobs act and he would have shared credit but the greed for power and loss respect was too much, so we bear the brunt of their mania.
Many people on the right, however, had a very different response.First there were those who still clung bitterly to the early misrepresentation that Obamacare destroys jobs. These are the most rigid partisans, people who live in their own carefully curated epistemic world, and there’s no getting through to them,no matter how many fact-checks you link to or email their way. Besides, they’re more focused on the big fish, like Benghazi, the greatest cover-up in history, to spend too much time talking health policy.Then there were those on the right who acknowledged the CBO’s actual findings, but found them troubling all the same. These folks argued that the CBO had shown Obamacare created perverse incentives, allowing people to spend less of their time engaged in wage labor,and that the government should be pushing people to work a paying job instead. This is a much more philosophical position, rather than an empirical claim about how the law might affect the economy, and it’s deeply revealing of the right’s fundamental ideological beliefs.
gov't should be pushing Americans to work does that sound awfully familiar to those sweat shops we heard about in China and other dictatorships, are they revealing more of their perverted view of America and it's citizens or are they trying to take the blame off them for or current situation and again blame Pres. for not cracking the whip so to speak.
is this part of what they mean by taking back "THEIR" country return to the days of old and all the shame and ungodliness that came with it, if not where?