With the Republican Party at historically low approval ratings, seemingly unable to win major national elections, and suffering a continuing string of embarrassing statements on women, some GOP figures are deciding that the R after their names is more a hindrance than a help.Here are eight politicians who have decided the GOP is too extreme, too intolerant, and too cringe-inducing to bother with anymore (three of them left just in the past couple of weeks).1. Jimmy LaSalvia: “Today, I joined the ranks of unaffiliated voters,” the founder of GOProudannounced on his website two weeks ago. “I am every bit as conservative as I’ve always been, but I just can’t bring myself to carry the Republican label any longer.”2. Pablo Pantoja: LaSalvias not alone in objecting to the Republican Party’s “culture of intolerance.” That was exactly what convinced former Republican National Committee Florida Latino outreach director Pablo Pantoja to ditch the party only a year after attaining his position. Born in Puerto Rico and a veteran of the Iraq War, Pantoja rose quickly through the ranks of the Florida GOP before the immigration debate brought out a nasty streak in his compatriots.
these people are only saying what we have seen unfold in the republican ranks, each time they make a insincere gesture of reaching out to those that their arms never seemed long enough to reach before, within hours one or two pop up and speak real republican "PRINCIPLES" formerly known as "VALUES", that of hate discrimination, bigotry and sometimes straight up racism, were they not aware their cohorts were pitching the love boat theory to Americans or they just can't help themselves it's their nature?
“The discourse that moves the Republican Party is filled with this anti-immigrant movement and overall radicalization that is far removed from reality,” he wrote in a letter to the Florida Nation, referring in all but name to Jason Richwine’s Heritage Foundation study that connected conservative immigration policy to claims about Hispanics’ lower IQ rates.“Republican leaders have blandly (if at all) denied and distanced themselves from this but it doesn’t take away from the culture within the ranks of intolerance. The pseudo-apologies appear to be a quick fix to deep-rooted issues in the Republican Party in hopes that it will soon pass and be forgotten…When the political discourse resorts to intolerance and hate, we all lose in what makes America great and the progress made in society.”It wasn’t just party leaders, either. Pantoja said his average conversations as outreach director were turning ugly. “I did have conversations about immigration where increasingly I had to defend the fact that the people most affected were human beings,” he said in an interview with Salon.Pantoja joined the Democratic Party, and commemorated his departure from the GOP with a contribution to the ACLU.
boy that must have really stung America i hope you are paying attention to the choices you have and feel the need to look out for yourself and not the party that does not invite you except every 4 years when they need your vote. otherwise pick out a curb with a view because that is where they will kick you like their proverbial can. recognize