Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Inside the Shocking 'Kids For Cash' Juvenile Justice Scandal How two corrupt judges received $2.6 million in kickbacks from the private prison facility industry.
Today a special on "kids for cash," the shocking story of how thousands of children in Pennsylvania were jailed by two corrupt judges who received $2.6 million in kickbacks from the builders and owners of private prison facilities. We hear from two of the youth: Charlie Balasavage was sent to juvenile detention after his parents unknowingly bought him a stolen scooter;

Hillary Transue was detained for creating a MySpace page mocking her assistant high school principal. They were both 14 years old and were sentenced by the same judge, Judge Mark Ciavarella, who is now in jail himself — serving a 28-year sentence. Balasavage and Transue are featured in the new documentary, "Kids for Cash," by filmmaker Robert May, who also joins us.

there is much more abuse of these kids then this article fails to mention.  we ae just creating those the NRA and republicans say are doing all the mass murders,  harden criminals come out where kids went in, trauma suffered by abusive correctional officers, blind eyed wardens, ridiculous sentences for the crimes, all about the Benjamin's, and we know who is pushing private prisons, and if you don't know, republicans, now you know.