they talk of how smart Krauthammer is if true than this makes him a bald faced liar of the republican party.
Fox attempted to revive the lie that the Affordable Care Act contains health care rationing in the form of "death panels" by pushing misleading claims about the law's prescription drug coverage.On Fox's Special Report, guest host Doug McKelway asked the show's panel about a provision in the ACA that he claimed "is drastically limiting the availability of some drugs." Fox contributor Stephen Hayes claimed "patients with diseases and conditions that require medication not approved by Washington bureaucrats" may "have to go without it with potentially very serious implications."McKelway asked if the prescription drug provisions were "rationing or, as some people have said, the so-called death panels."Fox contributor Charles Krauthammer concluded: "We're learning how much rationing is the essence of Obamacare -- the rationing of doctors, the rationing of hospitals. Here we begin to understand the rationing of drugs. Next, and in the end, will be rationing of care."
the Fox soothsayers are back, for another round of "pick the Obamacare you most like to lie about". they were wrong 4 years ago but they thing elderly and others will spark when they offer up the buzz words death panels, even though they were rebuked than and now they do like their warm overs.
Fox's description of the ACA's prescription drug coverage is misleading, and McKelway's "death panel" reference is outright irresponsible. The reality is that the way the ACA treats prescription drug coverage is in line with how private insurance companies have handled coverage for years.
so they are now against the drug coverage plan after they were for it for years when it wasn't part of ObamaCares, they are still defending the ins. co.'s so does this prove their hypocrisy and lies and they really support ACA? a plan by another name that's still the same but again they did no homework.
As Think Progress' Igor Volsky pointed out, the use of a drug formulary is standard practice among health care plans:Under the law, insurers must offer drug benefits as part of 10 essential health care benefits, meaning that millions of uninsured Americans will now have drug coverage for the very first time. But the coverage won't be limitless. Insurers will continue to rely on drug formularies -- as they currently do in the private market and Medicare Part D -- to decide which prescriptions are covered and which are not.The ACA requires that issuers provide the greater of one drug from each category or class, or offer as many drugs in each category as are covered by a benchmark plan. The law allows states the choice of four different benchmarks, which Gottlieb helpfully lists in his article: 1) One of the three largest small group plans in the state by enrollment; 2) one of the three largest state employee health plans by enrollment; 3) one of the three largest federal employee health plan options by enrollment; or 4) the largest HMO plan offered in the state's commercial market by enrollment.States -- not the federal government -- select the benchmark and insurers then offer coverage for the drugs listed in those formularies. "What the vast majority of states have chosen is a common small business plan, so you know it's saying what will be available in the exchanges and in the individual market generally is what's popular among small businesses now and that seems like a reasonable place to start," the Kaiser Family Foundation's Larry Levitt explained.
but can that be true republicans have said in this article that death panels were alive and well and will get you through your medication, anybody that reads this pass it on and as many places as you can, we can not rely on the indifference card we all need to get our hands dirty with the work of defeating the scourge of America Nov. 4th be there, be aware and let's handle this. "YES WE CAN".