Wednesday, February 5, 2014

For Republicans, Immigration Reform Is Unavoidable

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Should Republicans support immigration reform this year? From a purely political perspective, there are good reasons not to:
  • It would anger the conservative base, which is dead set against any kind of comprehensive immigration reform that allows undocumented workers to stay in the country legally (i.e., a "path to citizenship" or a path to legal residence of some kind).
  • Even outside the tea party base, most Republicans oppose immigration reform.
  • It almost certainly wouldn't help Republicans in this year's midterm elections. It might even hurt them.
this is their manifesto, they don't want potential Progressive voters in the country they have rained so much hate and bigotry on Hispanics forever that it's inconceivable they would get a large enough block of that vote to make a difference.
they know this and IMO that is why they want to cut bait and run centuries of dehumanizing and prejudice can't be fixed with " will look out for you, but we won't change our "PRINCIPLES" formerly know as " VALUES".
What about the other side? In my view, there's really only one good reason for the Republican leadership to forge ahead despite all this:
  • In the long term, it would be good for the party. Opposition to immigration reform is a festering sore that prevents the GOP from appealing to the fast-growing Hispanic population, something that they'll have to address eventually.
In the simplest sense, then, this is an issue of timing. At some point, Republicans will have to bite the bullet and do this. They just can't keep losing the Hispanic vote 70-30 and expect to ever win the presidency again. It's a simple question of brute numbers. The question is how long they can hold out.
all about timing, well these are the guys who invented kicking the can down the road that is basically what this article is about.  the damage has been and will contiue to be done until that party does a compltete system recovery wipe that etch a sketch and get new blood who don''t have an agenda that alienates over half of the country.
if these guys are for their party retire let another set come in game over.