Sunday, January 19, 2014

Trayvon Martin died for your knockout game sins
Miami Heat players wear hoodies to support the family of Trayvon Martin, who was killed in Florida last month by a neighborhood watchman, allegedly because he was wearing a hoodie and looking suspicious. Photo: LeBron James, Twitter.
WND’s Jack Cashill, who has made what passes for a career by claiming that Barack Obama’sDreams of My Father was actually written by Bill Ayers because everyone knows that black people don’t write books (no duh), is back to explain that Trayvon Martin was actually playing the knockout game that night he flaunted his blackness in order to entice George Zimmerman into stalking and murdering him.  
As I am sure you are aware the “Knockout Game” is a game created by Matt Drudge and Fox News to make Drudge readers and Fox News viewers freak out more than they normally do when they see a black person coming towards them on the street.  
This is why white people murmur a quick ” ‘Sup? ” and then look away hoping that they won’t be gang murdered for their mobility scooter which will then be “pimped out” and used for midnight Fast & Furious Hip Hop Hoverround drag races.  Also, something something about Obama phones and midnight basketball.
Here,  let Cashill explain how Trayvon Martin wanted to be The Godfather of Knockout Games but chose poorly when he street flirted with a woman-beating gun-toting rage-monster like George Zimmerman:
The hunters tend to prey on those who seem vulnerable. This includes old people, women, children and, most often, clueless male liberals – like the Pittsburgh teacher seen in this video – who have trained themselves not to “profile” young black men even when they approach with malice in their eyes. 
White urbanites remain clueless because the mainstream media have chosen not to clue them in. Even when local TV stations cover the incidents, as in the Pittsburgh assault above, they are careful to avoid even hinting at a racial motive.
The media’s collective failure to acknowledge the racial nature of the Knockout Game enabled them to turn would-be knockout king Trayvon Martin into a martyr and his victim, George Zimmerman, into a racist vigilante.
If he had not had an audience, Trayvon Martin would likely have made it back safely to the townhouse where he was staying in Sanford, Fla., that rainy night in February 2012.
i have to quote Joan Walsh's book title "WHAT'S WRONG WITH WHITE PEOPLE", imo they know they are rapidly becoming the minority race in America and these new laws SYG, voter blocking, food stamps, wages, unemployment, education all these things they are doing is designed to cripple the new majority not to mention this is how they handle things that intrude on their kingdom of America.  inflict as much damage as you can.
i think it really hit them the second time Pres. cleaned their clocks first time was bad enough brought all the racism and hate to the surface. second they went for the jugular, our rights to vote to work to be helped if we are poor, elderly or sick. keep voting for them and it keeps getting worse until their laws have their crazies gunning us down in the street just because they passed a law that said they could again, SYG.
Audience? There were witnesses?  Only the "the sassy, defiant, plus-sized Rachel Jeantel"  who was having a cellphone conversation with Martin at the time:
Martin's audience consisted of one person, the sassy, defiant, plus-sized Rachel Jeantel who talked to Martin by phone throughout the encounter.
There is no reason to believe anything Jeantel said about the confrontation between Martin and Zimmerman save for her spectacularly un-coached recollection of how Martin first described Zimmerman, namely as a "creepy ass cracker."
In sum, Martin saw Zimmerman not as the hulking vigilante the media did but as a vulnerable, possibly gay white man nearly half-a-foot smaller than he.
So really, Trayvon Martin was actually a racist gay-trolling aspiring knockout game king whose best-laid plan  gang aft-a-agley'd (with emphasis on 'gang' ) and now he is dead and George Zimmerman should be a hero to white people and gays everywhere as long as they are notwomen who date him  because that never ends well  although it generally ends better than it did with Trayvon Martin.
 a requiem of a bigoted racist from the recess of warped depraved cowardly mind.  one promising outcome,  hell ain't half full.Trayvon was murdered before this was reported.  the hate eats at the mind until they have no conception of reality just the pictures of hate burned into their minds.