Sunday, January 19, 2014

Pushing for new sanctions on Iran, at a moment of historic diplomatic breakthrough, is fomenting war

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Bipartisan Congressional attempts to impose new sanctions on Iran just when President Obama's diplomatic efforts are part of a paradigmatic breakthrough in U.S.-Iranian relations, and in Iran's engagement with the rest of the world, is not just reckless and dangerous, it is despicable and unconscionable. 
There is no excuse for it. If the goal is both national and international best interests, there is no rationale for it. If this effort succeeds, history likely will look back on it as among the worst foreign policy blunders ever, right up there with the disasters of July 1914.
It's easy to criticize the brutality of the current Iranian regime, but that brutality is the direct consequence of August 19, 1953, when the Eisenhower Administration, at the behest of the British government and the British oil company now known as BP, destroyed Iran's fledgling secular democracy, and imposed a brutal dictatorship. 
Brutality begets brutality, and anyone who thinks a brutalized people will simply shake off its collective trauma need only look to the lessons of the French and Russian Revolutions, or the ongoing turmoil in modern Egypt and Libya. 
More to the point, it's not as if the United States demands high moral standards of its economic and political allies around the globe, and given, for example, that ugly history of the U.S. in Iran, it's not as if the United States can claim any moral high ground of its own. 
But President Obama reached out toward Iran, when he acknowledged the U.S. outrage of 1953, and his diplomatic efforts have met a partner in the new reformist Iranian President Hassan Rouhani. With Russia, China, France, Britain and Germany also on board with the new nuclear arms agreement, efforts to scuttle it are nothing less than fomenting war.
this article stated bi-partisan effort but no names why is that if they know as much as the article reveals and say it's bipartisan why don't they know who on the Dems side nothing new for those on the right they are willing to do anything to demonize Pres. even risk a nuclear war they are more dangerous then our enemies at least we know what they are going to do.
Diplomacy is working. The threat of war with Iran has been decreasing. The threat of Iran becoming a nuclear power has been decreasing. Any person with any interest in peace, in Iran continuing on the path toward moderation and constructive engagement with the world's economic and political powers, and in potentially taking a huge step toward defusing the entire Middle East tinderbox,
has to be encouraged by the historic first steps included in the deal between Iran and the world's six great powers. Anyone attempting to undermine it must have their intelligence, morality, and sense of basic human decency questioned. This is that big.
This is that important. Because if new sanctions are imposed, and the Iranian hardliners are empowered by Rouhani's being insulted or rejected by the United States, and Iran resumes work on its nuclear weapons program, the consequences are unthinkable. For Iran, it could mean another generation lost to extremism.
For Iran's neighbors, it could mean a nuclear armed extremist Iran. For the United States, it could mean horrendous choices between watching the development of a nuclear armed extremist Iran or going to war to prevent it. 
maybe it's time that those of us that can reason and don't want the ground that Pres. has gained to go down because of some dumbazz pushing something that his people are all to willing to do IMO to argue never letting another African American in the White House, but it would be do to their anti American obstruction not his incompetency if that were the case we should never elect another Anglo pres.  maybe it's time we declared war on right wing republican rebels to the American way.