In the year since 20 first-graders were shot and killed at Sandy Hook Elementary, another school shooting has taken place in America every two weeks on average.These events aren’t necessarily the types of tragedies that come to mind when one thinks of “school shootings”—madmen in fatigues roaming school hallways, strapped with automatic-style guns, murdering indiscriminately—nor do they receive the media attention of such mass shootings.But they can be similarly traumatizing for students and staff, and they have led to at least 24 injuries and 17 deaths over the past year, The Daily Beast has found.*(*We published this article on Thursday, Dec 12. Friday Dec 13 brought reports of yet another school shooting, this one at Arapahoe High School, in Centennial, CO. One student was transported to a hospital with a gunshot wound and listed in serious condition. The shooter is dead of a self-inflicted gunshot wound.)
this will only grow in frequency the republican opposition the control sends a signal to those they campaign to put more guns in their hands and licenses to kill SYG laws they are giving those who would do these things a thumbs up and a defense for their trial if they see one.
Our count includes shootings that resulted in no fatalities as well as those where the only victim was the shooter, such as the case of 17-year-old Joseph Poynter, a junior at La Salle High School in Cincinnati, who in April brought a gun from home and “placed it to his right temple and discharged one round into his head” in front of a classroom full of students, according to police reports.Two thirds of these shootings took place on high school and college campuses. The remainder took place in middle schools or elementary schools, like the one in which Adam Lanza killed 20 students, six adults, and then himself a year ago this week. The shootings occurred in 15 states across the country, with the highest concentration in Florida (five) and Georgia (three).On the legislative side, at least 540 separate bills related to school safety and security made their way through the 50 states this year. That’s “certainly an increase” from previous years, “particularly in relation to guns and weapons,” says Lauren Heintz, an analyst at the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL), a group that tracks legislative action.Of those 540 bills, 106 laws were enacted, putting preventative and planning measures in place including gun-safety classes; security personnel; safety plans and drills; and the commissioning of studies and advisory councils on school safety.School boards and local governments have also adopted new policies—including hiring uniformed police officers and arming teachers and other school staff—in an effort to ensure student safety. The NRA offered such a plan in response to the Newtown massacre. “The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun,” the gun group’s vice president Wayne LaPierre said as he unveiled their plan to hire armed guards at the nation’s schools.
after reading this do you really feel your kid is safer by adding more weapons to their day, remember the cop whose gun went off inside the school he was protecting?